Lightworker’s Multidimensional Healing and Higher Light Activations

Lightworker’s Multidimensional Healing and Higher Light Activations

The Karmic Chapter is coming to a close. Clear your remaining karmic debt and activate your higher light frequencies to Source Consciousness and Earth Consciousness.

As we reach the end of this earth cycle and begin a new one it is time to release all outdated karmic contracts including grieving for earth and humanity. We are no longer here to hold struggle and trauma for the planetary consciousness. Soul programming in all its forms, in all dimensional aspects are in need of releasing as we ascend into 5th dimensional consciousness and beyond. If you are deep into your spiritual awakening or are working with others to assist them in theirs, this is the time to become an Impeccable Being and a Divine Instrument for Spirit and to complete your incarnational testing for graduation into New Earth. Divine Instruments know that whatever is required in any given moment for self as well as when working with others will be provided by Spirit with love. No matter what, you will follow Spirit without hesitation. That is impeccability.

The first session will be a remote clearing of all bodies and fields. It includes Karmic and non-Karmic clearing of contracts, vows, heart vows, implants, attachments, cords, pain bodies, belief systems, unresolved past-life blocks, soul family, ancestral lines, trauma patterning, inner-child trauma patterning, discordant thought patterning, soul programming, soul blocks and soul attachments, and DNA blocks. A complete clearing on every level of your being. Notes on the clearing will follow.

The second session will be a full Higher Light Integration and activation done remotely. Completely rewiring or creating Higher Light integration functions until you are fully expressing yourself as Divinity. The aim is to anchor your frequency into the new timeline frequencies. Notes will follow after this session.

The third session will be face to face on a Zoom call to address any life concerns, energetic integration concerns and health concerns you might have. We will further activate you and attune you to your high frequency guidance team and connect you with Source at this time.

A fourth and optional session can be scheduled for specialized higher light integration such as Karmic Matrix Reabsorption, Etheric crystal removal, Divinity threshold plate removal, Metatronic Gateway Upgrade, Multidimensional sight rewiring and activations with each of these processes, plus more offerings we can discuss.

Book your first remote clearing with the Scheduling button. The remaining sessions we will schedule through email or contact me directly to schedule your sessions. The Zoom session is an hour and a half. Each session will be approximately 2 weeks apart.