What started as a person journey of self awareness emerged a deeply personal experience in learning to navigate my own life challenges, and then became a full-time professional endeavor to assist others to do the same. I work with and channel Divine Teams of Multidimensional Light Beings. I was aware at a very young age that I had natural mediumship, emphatic and clairvoyant abilities. Which is to say, I could see and feel the energy surrounding people. I received many visitations from Angelic beings as a child and still do to this day. In my early adult career, I embraced the hard sciences, psychology and the business world. While working in the medical field in the main operating rooms of major hospitals I had a life changing experience. I began to connect the dots and see the connections of physical dis-ease and the energy bodies. This was the moment I decided to embrace my Divinity in this lifetime and bring that Divinity forward and fully embody it in my physical incarnation. It became my passion to understand everything I could about the nature of energy. How energy worked in the Universe and how to apply it in our physical world and live as Source Creator intended us to live by the Natural Laws of the Universe. Another life changing experience with my father's death in 1996 and his subsequent visit after his passing, urged me to go within to find my higher purpose and develop my natural intuitive and vibrational healing abilities. Through the life choices I have made and development of my psychic childhood gifts, I created my life as an Etheric Surgeon, multidimensional healer, professional psychic, medium, public speaker and teacher for Spirit. I have been bringing through spiritually guided healing for the over 25 years. I work with people in all stages of personal and spiritual growth. I assist them in the process of transforming past life and present life issues, personal energy field interferences, chakra blockages and upgrading Light Body structures. My mediumship abilities connect the living with the transitioned Soul or Guides, bringing help in the form of healing messages to those who have lost loved ones or want a deeper connection to their own guides and angelic teams. Communication with them is as natural to me as speaking to you because our lives never really end. We are all Consciousness, eternally connected.
Ever expanding love and light,