The Season of Light

The Winter Solstice has passed, bringing the season of light to earth once again. While we enjoy this extension of daylight and the first day of the new year, let’s remember to bring the Light of Consciousness into our heart space.  This new year will usher in an abundance of Higher Light for us to draw from.  Be well in the knowledge that all is as it is meant to be, and we are the creators of our world. We are endowed with all the qualities of Source Creator.  We will experience both challenges and successes this year. There will also be some revelations that will rock your world revealing things you would never have believed could be true or thought possible a year ago. Stay in the flow of your heart, trust your inner knowing and rock with the changes that occur. Keep your balance and keep shining your Light to all fellow Souls you encounter.  Send love to your family and friends with reassurance you will be there if they need you. This year will be different in many ways, and a shoulder to lean on temporarily as we shift from dark to Light in this lifetime will be welcomed for those just awakening.  As always, I am grateful to have you in my life, and to experience the added richness you bring to my life.  May grace, ease, peace, harmony and love fill your year and stay with you from now on.

Meditate on the Portal of Hight Light image letting yourself merge with it.


In Ever Expanding Light and Love,


Happy New Year!



Summer Newsletter


Hi Everyone.
I hope you are getting the most out of this summer and having a great time. I hope you've been inspired by your creativity and adventurous spirit to explore your inner self, nature and just wander. Adventures, however big or small, always spark my curiosity to go either deeper within or outward into my surroundings discovering more about my connections to everything and everyone in my world. I wanted to share with you a little about my summer and keep you updated on what I have been keeping busy with. Please be sure to add me to your safe senders list to make sure you receive newsletters in the future. Note that the phone number I have had for some 20 years is now changed. You can find it on the website. www.robingamache.com29(55.8%)

Monsoon Season

It's been a great monsoon season for us this year in Arizona. Rain is always welcome here. Some days its too much rain which causes some problems, and other days its just a tease of rain resulting in only a few drops. In any case, I'll take it when I can get it. The picture above is from my backyard. My plants and yard reflect the beauty of the nourishment they get from the rain and the Sun. To me this is kind of a metaphor for life. A little or a lot of rain must fall in one's life to keep the spirit engaged and active in the process of growing into the full expression of you. My Spirit has told me for many years now that I am Divine. I thought about it, and tried to define exactly what Divine means and how to express my Divinity in my lifetime. My definition expands as each year passes. Each and everyone of us were totally and completely Spirit at one time. Nestled in the Presence of the pure Divinity that our is Creator. We incarnated to begin the cycle of lifetimes in which we would experience ourselves as Divine Beings in a variety of situations individualized apart from the 24/7 Presence of the One. We took on many forms to experience our Divinity. This time we are in human bodies containing much density and a consciousness of its own. ( I'll get into the body's consciousness in depth in another newsletter.) With much trial and error, we began to see through the lens of those lifetime experiences which skewed of vision to Divinity. We have never lost that connection to our Creator or to the Divine Spirit that we are. We just were so busy experiencing (living) we put our Divinity on the back burner to look at later. There is no better time than now to take a look at what it means to be Divine. We are endowed with all of the Divine gifts of the One Creator. That being said means we lack nothing that our connection to our Spirit cannot provide. We are Creator beings when empowered by our awareness of who we really are. It is my hope and life purpose to awaken you to the power you have to live truly inspired, abundant lives freely by your own Divine choices. Which means in alignment with your Divine nature.

A big shout out and many thanks to my wonderful clients in Michigan. I had so much fun being in-person with those that came to my host's home, Margaret Ann Romine in Jeddo to see me this past June for a bit of reading, healing and catching up.

I'm updating my website soon to combine Spiritual 
Response Therapy, Multidimensional Healing and Etheric Surgery into one session to make it easier to navigate my site and choose which service you are looking for.  See the website for a complete descriptions.  www.robingamache.com22(42.3%)

Meet Tyson

Many of you have known me for quite a few years and know well I have always been a cat lady.  At times, I had up to 8 rescues in my home.  All of them lived long and cushy lives.  The remaining 4 made the long trip when we relocated to Arizona.  Each lived to be 20 years old.  I miss them dearly. This beautiful boy, born in Arizona, was in need of a good home.  Spirit brought us and his previous family together to make sure Tyson would be in the right place for him.  A really beautiful series of events transpired that could only have happened in that way and in that time to bring us together.

I will connect with you again soon. In the mean time many blessings.
In Love and Light,

It Isn't a Perfect World...A conversation with my niece

June 18, 2015


Yesterday, I had made plans to visit my mom and take her to lunch.  It was a beautiful Wednesday morning with sunny skies and moderate temperatures.  A perfect day to lunch by a lake I thought.  The drive would take 2 hours, so I took my time and enjoyed the scenery.  When I arrived at mom’s house I went inside to greet her while she gathered her things.  She thought a sweater might be a good thing to have with her in case it got windy or cooler.  My twenty four year old niece lives with my mother for the time being, and mom said that she was upstairs asleep sick with tonsillitis.  I said I was sorry to hear that and we left for the lakeside restaurant.  During the course of conversation at lunch we talked about my niece.  She is a hard worker and is currently working two jobs.   Two day shifts at a medical lab an hour and a half away and four night shifts at an almond bagging factory thirty minutes away.  She needed a better car to handle the miles so she purchased a new car the week before and it overheated the first day she had it. She was now stuck with a loaner car until it gets sorted out.   A couple of days after her car problem, my niece was sick.  My mom and I both agreed that it was probably stress that finally pushed her over the edge into full blown tonsillitis.  We talked on many subjects over the course of our quality-time lunch and returned to mom’s house.  I again went inside.  My niece was up and sitting in the living room.  We talked and I asked her how she was feeling.  The subject of her work schedules came up.  My niece shared her frustration about working at the “nut” factory.  The owner shows preferential treatment to employees that are his friends.  She complained that her employer wanted her to finish out her shift even though she was clearly ill and running a high temperature.  Then she spoke about hoping to get a full-time position at the medical lab, and she thought they would be letting her know soon.  She liked it there and the job made her feel needed and appreciated.  My mom spoke up at that point and said  my niece should not take the job at the lab for anything less than 12.00 per hour.  Okay, here’s where it gets interesting…I am somewhat of a Native-American Spider Woman.  You know, the strong feminine shaman energy in a tribe that told stories with hidden meaning and supported the feminine power.  I’m also very connected to spirit.    So as this conversation I was hearing from my mom and my niece unfolded, I was moved by spirit (grin) to share.  The words just came rolling out of my mouth.  I said, it isn’t a perfect world.  They both looked at me with perplexed looks on their faces.  And I said it again, it isn’t a perfect world.  I proceeded to relate an event that happened to me one day many years ago.   I was driving my 10 year old daughter to school.  Her father and I divorced when she was three so I raised her on my own.  It was her and me until she was 16.  Her question to me that morning took me by surprise.  She asked why did I only make 11.00 an hour working beside the doctors in the operating room saving lives and her father make 25.00 an hour working at a factory assembly line making cars?  It said it was a good question.  My answer was, it isn’t a perfect world.  Now, my mother and my niece were listening intently to what I was saying waiting patiently for me to elaborate  and put it into terms that made sense to them.  As in Spider Woman tradition, I didn’t say any more.  The way in which I told the story and infused it with energy made the meaning very clear.  Since you readers were not there to hear it and feel it, I'll tell you.  Sometimes you must do what lifts you up and honors your internal truth instead of go for the money.  Without the honoring of your spirit you will have feelings of frustration in a job that pays, but does not have meaning or purpose to you.  Fulfillment will not come,  there will still be a hole...something missing.   To me, this is the key: what has meaning to you.  You are the driver of your life’s course.  Only you know the truth of what lifts you and supports you and what does not.  Taking the time to look is all that is needed to keep you on course.   As the saying goes; do what you love and the money will follow. 

The Fox

Spring 2010 

This past spring, a lovely female Fox showed up in my backyard.  She wasn’t the usual type of animal visitor I normally encountered living in the village limits.  I was used to a myriad of wild birds, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons and stray cats.  I was in the habit of feeding the wild animals and from the daily attendance in the backyard feeders; I was doing a pretty good job.  She visited the big ground feeder in the back near the area I leave wild so the animals and the Fairy Realm will have a natural place to live.  She came every day.  One day in May during the time when the purple and white wildflowers were in bloom, I photographed her.   My heart went out to her, and to my surprise she sent hers back!  I was covered with her energy.   I felt it in every aspect of my being.  What a wonderful experience I thought.   I continued to connect with her energy and she told me she had heard about the “sanctuary” and came to see it.  She recognized me as the spirit of the Shaman energy.  It was time for the reunion she told me.  It was the reunion between me and the Fox people energy.  Having a great grandfather on my father’s side born to the Chippewa Nation, I knew of my Native-American heritage.  I had always been drawn to their culture and the ways of the Shamans.  Upon further research, I found that the place where I lived was Fox tribal land at one time.  The beautiful Fox continued to visit my backyard every day and we continued to connect to each other.  A few days after the first connection, she brought with her 3 Native-American Spirits.  The first was a strong Chief energy named Standing Fox.  He was tall and lean.  He was clad in scant buck skins, a full Eagle feathered head dress, and his ornately beaded chest necklaces were in the colors of black, yellow, red and white. These are the colors of the four directions.  This meant he was a powerful Chief and Medicine Man and had the ability to shape-shift.  The second was an old, weathered woman wearing a full-length cloak of black crow feathers.  She was called Black Crow Grandmother and is a powerful Shaman healer.  The third Spirit came in on a silvery beam of light.  She was a beautiful young woman.  She was totally dressed in white skins with a head dressing and cape of a White Buffalo head and fur.  She is the Great White Spirit and represents the return of the Native–American people and a reclaiming of their powerful energy.  I was in awe.  The strength and quality of the energy was so overwhelming my entire body was vibrating.  I have never been the same.  I am continually knocked off my chair when this powerful energy comes in though me for a client of mine and gives them a phenomenal life healing experience.  My little Fox in the backyard that brought all of this to me gave birth to two pups.  The three of them ran and played in the yard for a few weeks more.  The other wildlife in the yard did not seem to mind their presence.  We were all living in harmony.  She took her babies and left near summer’s end.  The ground cover was dying back and it was no longer a suitable place to raise her young.  The day she left, she came out of the wild area to eat as usual.  I was watching from the window as usual.  She never seemed to mind me watching.  She looked at me with a very long look, turned and was gone. I haven’t seen her since.  Her presence is always with me.  I can feel her energy any time I want t and it has changed my life forever.  We will see how the Native-American energies in my life transform and take shape over time.  I am so grateful and humbled because of their presence.