Hormonal Balancing with Higher Light Integration
As our vibrational frequency of the Lighbody rises there are hormonal changes that require adjustment. The pituitary gland is growing in size and producing more growth hormone. This can cause imbalances to estrogen levels and symptoms of extreme fatigue, depression, feeling cut off from everyone and everything. Frequency changes can also effect all of the hormone levels in the body. It’s a good idea to have your hormonal levels checked and rebalanced every time we experience a shift in frequency. Prerequisite to this session is at least one prior Mulitidimensional Healing Session.
Lotus sword etheric surgery astral device removal
Astral Devices are put in place by us in our energy fields just before incarnating in order to create our life experience. They block the energy and consciousness flow of our Spirit. Astral Devices limit our consciousness level and can be the cause of many weird and uncomfortable symptoms.
Many of these devices come from past lives. Removing these devices unblocks your potential, frees your energy and body from limitation and raises your frequency and consciousness level.